Our Core Values
One of the core principles and values of K2CP and our consulting teams is listening. Whilst we bring a wealth of experience and expertise to help make your programme a success, we feel it is imperative that we listen to you, our client.
We need to understand, but not be limited to:
why you are doing the project or programme
what are your challenges
positive and/or negative experiences you have had in the past
your views on the use of local vs offshore resource
your timescales and priorities
the benefits and value you are trying to create
where does this project/programme sit in your portfolio
It is only by listening that we can provide the right advice and expertise and build the level of trust that is critical to success (see Triangle of Trust section).
Whilst clients want a level of certainty from our experience they also want a level of flexibility from their consultants and SIs. Unfortunately, most of the large consulting firms and SIs are not structured to give much flexibility, and in many cases their financial models don't allow it.
At K2CP, we pride ourselves on being flexible as long as we can guarantee successful delivery on any project and programme we lead. How does this flexibility manifest itself?
Local consultants - too many consulting firms stick with a model that uses just consultants from their "home" location. At K2CP we can provide local nationals with local language skills in most countries globally. We have recently delivered teams covering 10, 14 and 16 countries all with local national consultants working with a core team. We have also delivered in more challenging language countries like China.
Offshore - K2CP's philosophy is to generally use offshore resources where it makes sense but not just as a means to provide a low-cost estimate at the proposal stage - as generally, this will lead to a higher fee in the end. We generally use local onshore consultants for all client-facing and interacting work and use offshore for cost-effective volume that is not client-interacting. We have also expanded our offshore capability to include partners in both India and Vietnam.
Specialist consultants - due to our model, we do not have to leverage a large team onto a project if we supply a client with a single or small number of consultants. The financial model of the major consulting firms means they have to leverage in teams if the client requires, say, a senior programme manager. We have many clients who are frustrated that they cannot get a strong PM for their project or programme, and this is simply due to the consulting firms needing to leverage in large teams. A K2CP we do not have this problem and can supply a client with individuals, small teams or a whole programme team.
Days per week - some clients, for a variety of reasons, do not need full time support. We are flexible enough to accommodate part time working
Speed of mobilisation - we pride ourselves in being able to provide teams fast. In one example, we had a weekend to provide a team of 30+ starting on the Monday for a large Insurance system roll-out. In another client, we had 36 hours to provide a team of 26 for a Salesforce roll-out to a telecoms client.
Commercials and pricing - we are flexible and have operated under contracts that include time and materials, fixed price, stage gate and value/benefits based pricing.
Listening - the key to being flexible is to listen to a client's needs and react accordingly. This is one of our core principles.
Complete Solutions
At K2CP, we are committed to providing our clients with everything they need to ensure successful delivery of their intended business solution. That means that, unlike many of our competitors, we will not leave out any elements of your programme which we believe are critical to its success. For any business change programme, this, therefore, includes professional programme and change management, and for any IT implementation, it also includes support for data migration, integrations and testing.
Our “complete solution” approach, is integral in our proprietary Delivery Framework, “K2DF”, is not just about technical implementation, it’s about business solution delivery. Process improvement is therefore embedded throughout and supported by our sector process specialists, so that whatever the scope of our clients’ change programme, we will ensure that it delivers profound and sustainable business benefits.
Our “complete solution” approach is important for our clients and essential to K2 Consulting Partners, as it firmly underpins our promise of
Successful Delivery – Guaranteed.

Environmental Value
We believe in building a sustainable environment for future generations and take our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) responsibilities seriously. We do not have large offices and have enabled remote working for our teams to reduce our carbon footprint. We minimise travel, focusing instead on continually improving our use of collaboration tools to build effective teams. Most importantly, we constantly review our corporate governance to incorporate and stay ahead of changes in local regulations.
We believe in far more than just delivering projects and Programmes. Having a successful Project or Programme means having a teams, both at K2CP and the client, who are excited, happy, motivated, and performing at the top of their game.
That is why we have teamed up with one of Europe's top health and wellbeing company, DH. Looking after and improving the teams wellbeing is key to improving overall performance and productivity.
As one client of DH stated:
"Working with DH has given me an extra 2 hours of productivity a day"
CEO Telnet

DH use a holistic approach in working with our corporate clients that combine:



To deliver lasting success, even for those Employees and clients who travel a lot fro their job:
"travelling 250+ days a year has never felt easier since I started working with DH"
Head of EMEA Spencer Stuart
The mission of DH is to:

Provide a platform for all

Create a vibrant and fit community

Provide access to experts in the field of training, nutrition and lifestyle .

In addition, DH offers lectures, seminars, key note speeches and standard and bespoke bootcamps.
K2CP is starting to incorporate the DH approach into our larger programme deliveries, as looking after the health and wellbeing of the programme team is key to success.
In addition, DH offers standard and bespoke boot camps, lectures, seminars, and keynote speeches either face-to-face or online. Some of the standard seminars include:
WORKING WIZARD - Learn the nutrition and lifestyle hacks to switch your brain on, kill brain fog, improve cognition, concentration and focus.
BULLETPROOF BODY - Nutrition and lifestyle tips to keep your immune system firing on all cylinders and keep sickness at bay.
NINJA TRAVELLER - Become a master of jet lag, acquire boundless energy and simplify eating on the go.
UNLEASH YOUR INNER SUPERHERO - The secret to unlocking your full potential.
Plus, we have and create a range of flexible and tailored bootcamps and classes to suit any client’s needs.