Delivery Assurance
K2 &
K2CP prides itself on always delivering successfully, but there are various elements that contribute to this success and our Successful Delivery - Guaranteed. One key element is recognising that not all projects and programmes run smoothly all the time, and secondly, that despite how good the team is and how many times the team members have delivered successfully before, a second pair of eyes is invaluable.

We strongly believe in Delivery Assurance. Some clients and competitors focus on Quality Assurance. However, we believe the right focus should be on ensuring and assuring successful delivery, with quality being one component of this.
In all our major Projects and Programmes we have a senior Delivery Assurance role identified. This role is performed at irregular intervals but often enough to add value. We use very senior and experienced senior consultants to carry out the role who have had significant experience in successfully delivering similar programmes.
One very important point is that this role does NOT report into the programme team. We want independence from the team to make sure the right view and assurance is given. The role reports to the K2CP CEO and the client sponsor only. However, this is not meant to create conflict with the delivery team, and is positioned positively with the team to help not hinder, plus we uphold our principle of having a no blame culture. The focus is on assuring the success of the delivery.
Whilst we provide this capability in our own delivery programmes, we are also available to provide this independent Delivery Assurance on 3rd party led programmes.