
We understand that managing change is the key to successful delivery. We work with a 4-step approach. Ignoring any of these critical steps – as many other approaches do – tends to lead to failure:​
Make it Essential
Make it Ready
Make it Happen
Make it Stick
Far too many companies dive into trying to Make it Happen and end up failing as they have not made the change essential with key stakeholders. At K2CP, Change Management is an intrinsic element of our approach to Business Process Improvement and benefits delivery.
LIFO is usually referred to in an inventory context. However, it equally applies to companies' perception of the need for professional change management capability. LIFO stands for Last In, First Out. It’s a challenge many change managers run into because when it comes to planning out project resources, budgeting for change management often gets put last.
It’s the last element of a project that gets in and the first to get kicked out when the budget gets tight. It gets LIFOed!

We see Change Management as far more than just organisational design and covers all elements involved in embedding the change into an organisation – Making it Stick. This includes Stakeholder Management plans and actions, designing and working with a change agent network, training (including our Voyage of Discovery), ongoing communications planning and actioning, coaching and mentoring.
To be truly successful, the business must own the change. So, how can change managers earn a permanent seat at the programme table? We’ll help you secure your seat! We coach, mentor and help design and lead, if required, the change approach that’s unique to your business. No one business is the same as it's run by unique individuals.